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Robot Structural Analysis (Steel Structure) (Limit : 1000 Enrollment)

Rating: 3.7     Language: English    Instructor: Ahmad Traboulsi


This course not just a tutorial on software Robot but it is a complete understanding about structural design analysis, how civil engineer must begin with the project, how he/she must think, how we can determine the dimension of the element before modeling them check it in the software. In this course we will a "Hangar" steel structure with all steel structural element

Rafters; Columns; Truss; Top Chord; Bottom Chord; Internal elements; Rail Sides; Beams; Wind Columns; Wind Beams; Bracing; Beam connection; Column connection; Purlins.

In this course you will learn how to choose the best section of each type of steel structural element using in the Hangar.

You will show how to model the Cladding for the structure

You will show how to design the Hangar structure using American Code AISC

You will learn how to design steel structure "Hangar" under lateral loads "wind loads"

In this course we will show the different standard steel sections I Section (HP, M, S, W); C-Shape; Angle Sections; and Pipes sections we will show how we can model and using these different structural steel sections how you define them and design + check the capacity of these sections

The dimensions and properties for structural sections commonly used in steel building structure design and construction are given in this course in addition to all design consideration and  proper material availability and specification according the AISC code.

Coupon code (Valid For First 1000 Enrollment) : 86C5A00941E0CC926294

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